Shevchuk asked to recognize his accomplice Trinity |
Group leader DDT Yuri Shevchuk , which runs as a witness in the case of music critic Artemy Troitsky , asked the accused to plead, wrote on June 7 Kommersant .
Hearings on the Trinity, who is accused of publicly insulting the former traffic police officer, was held yesterday at the site of the magistrate court district races. In November 2010, at a concert the group gave him the DDT critic antipremiyu "Road chariot" and named one of "the most rotten elements of Russia." During the questioning of defense witnesses Yuriy Shevchuk said that the award was presented along with the Trinity.
In response to a request from a musician to retrain him from the witness in the defendant's lawyers of the victim, a former major traffic police Khovansky Nicholas, said that by Shevchuk any claims they do not. "You - the soul of society," - said the lawyer Khovansky.
Nicholas Khovanskii was awarded antipremii in connection with an accident on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow, when the machine is vice-president of LUKOIL Anatoly Barkov faced with a car Citroen. The driver of the Citroen Olga Alexandrine and her mother in law, an obstetrician-gynecologist Sidelnikova Vera, who was in the car in the accident died.
Khovan one of the first arrived at the accident and concluded that the originator of the accident was the driver of the Citroen. However, the objectivity of the findings of the investigation questioned by independent experts and representatives of the public. The Case of the accident was closed in August 2010. Conclusion of the investigators have been confirmed by the court.
Earlier, Nikolay Khovanskii filed against Artemia Trinity civil suit for moral harm. Gagarin's April 19 court ordered to pay the criticism ex-employee STSI 130,000 rubles. The case, which heard in District Court Running, is a criminal. The article "Public offense" provides up to one year of corrective labor or up to two years of restricted freedom.
Artemije Trinity is also figurant second claim about the insult. Along the same lines - civil and criminal proceedings - the critic is suing a former member of the "Agatha Christie" Vadim Samoilov, which Trinity called "trained poodle in Surkov .
June 10 in Moscow club Hleb will be a free concert in support of Artemia Trinity, which will be attended by Yuri Shevchuk, Shumov and "Center", "Barto", Vasya, Oblomov, and others.